Solutions for technical challenges

Internal insulation is often the better, and sometimes the only, solution for reducing energy losses and increasing living comfort. However, unclear specifications and technical challenges can complicate the process. Here we offer you specific application aids for these challenges. 


Interior insulation Insulating plaster Connection window and door reveals

  1. Insulating plaster with spray coating, HASOLAN or HASIT 250

  2. Silicate deep penetrating primer HASIT PP 201 SILICA LF

  3. Glass fibre reinforcement mesh with Fixit 223 special embedding mortar, min. 5 mm

  4. Mineral finishing plaster and colour coat

  5. SR grooved belt compressible

  6. End profile with fabric

  7. Welnet or Armanet Distanet

  8. Plaster base e.g. Wedi panel

  9. Edge profile

  10. Corrugated or roofing felt

Interior insulation Insulating plaster Connection window sill in solid masonry

  1. Insulating plaster on sprayed plaster, HASOLAN or HASIT 250

  2. Silicate deep penetrating primer HASIT PP 201 SILICA LF

  3. Reinforcing mesh with Fixit 223 special embedding mortar, min. 5 mm

  4. Mineral finishing plaster and colour coat

  5. SR grooved belt compressible

  6. End profile with fabric

  7. Separating fleece


A. External putty joint and filling by window manufacturer

B. Foaming by window manufacturer

C. XPS glued tightly under window sill + glued into masonry without cavities

D. Mortar cavity-free (HASIT 605)

Interior insulation Insulating plaster Connection to wooden beam ceiling

  1. Insulating plaster on sprayed plaster, HASOLAN or HASIT 250

  2. Silicate deep penetrating primer HASIT PP 201 SILICA LF

  3. Reinforcing mesh with Fixit 223 special embedding mortar, min. 5 mm

  4. Mineral finishing plaster and colour coat

  5. SR grooved belt compressible

  6. End profile with mesh

  7. Welnet or Armanet Distanet

  8. Corrugated or roofing felt

Interior insulation Insulating plaster Concrete floor connection

  1. Insulating plaster on sprayed plaster, HASOLAN or HASIT 250

  2. Silicate deep penetrating primer HASIT PP 201 SILICA LF

  3. A. Air at least 1 cm for circulation

  4. Reinforcing mesh with Fixit 223 special embedding mortar, min. 5 mm

  5. Mineral finishing plaster and colour coat

  6. Edge insulation strips

  7. Mounting discs 

B. Impact sound insulation 

Interior insulation Insulating plaster for cabinet installation

  1. Insulating plaster on sprayed plaster, HASOLAN or HASIT 250

  2. Silicate deep penetrating primer HASIT PP 201 SILICA LF

  3. Reinforcing mesh with Fixit 223 special embedding mortar, min. 5 mm

  4. Mineral finishing plaster and colour coat

  5. Mounting cuboid

A. Air at least 1 cm for circulation

Interior insulation Insulating plaster for washbasin rear wall max. 1 m x 1.6 m

  1. Insulating plaster on sprayed plaster, HASOLAN or HASIT 250

  2. Silicate deep penetrating primer HASIT PP 201 SILICA LF

  3. Reinforcing mesh with Fixit 223 special embedding mortar, min. 5 mm
  4. Mounting cuboid

  5. Printing plates

  6. Impact dowel H1 eco through the fabric

A. Slab coverings max. 1600 cm²

Interior insulation Insulating plaster Electrical installation

  1. Insulating plaster on sprayed plaster, HASOLAN or HASIT 250

  2. Silicate deep penetrating primer HASIT PP 201 SILICA LF

  3. Reinforcing mesh with Fixit 223 special embedding mortar, min. 5 mm

  4. Mineral finishing plaster and colour coat

A. Fill old empty box with insulating plaster

B. Eldoline electrical box

C. Pipes on the warm side



Interior and exterior insulation

Our innovative products offer you the flexibility and efficiency you need for your construction projects - for both new builds and renovations. Rely on customised solutions for optimum thermal insulation!


Benefits of thermal insulation plasters

Our thermal insulation plasters offer optimum insulation and reduce energy consumption and costs. Investments in energy-efficient refurbishment quickly pay for themselves, reduce energy costs and increase the value of the building. Our sustainable solutions set standards in building insulation and promote climate protection.


The right processing

of thermal insulation plasters

Find out how our thermal insulation plasters are optimally processed and professionally applied in our insulation plaster systems! Discover the ideal structure and benefit from comprehensive information and practical tips. Utilise the full potential of our insulating plasters for effective and sustainable thermal insulation.